Toon-up your children's programs 
with a fun & educational in person or virtual
cartooning program with Debi the Cow-toonist
Fun Clay Cartoon Program
In our program we work with Crayola Model Magic and children are only given the primary colors of red, yellow, blue, black and white. 

Thru discussion and the "oohhh - ahhhh" color sheet they come to realize that every color in the world can be made from the primary colors.

We work together mixing the clay to create all the colors they will use on their own creations
The clay colors are then applied to the two plastic cups which will act as the base for their clay cartoon character
The kids then add the legs the eyes, antennas, arms, tails, wings... whatever their imaginations can come up with. We create a story for their character and every child's silly fun character is unique.
Every child's character needs a home and what better way then for the kids to create and draw a background scenery for their clay character creation.
Clay Program For 1 - Hour
Who doesn't love working with clay?
But we don't stop there... 
Includes supplies and materials for up to 15 Children

Call For Program Pricing

Live & Virtual